My Goals for the HNG Internship 8

2 min readAug 15, 2021


What is HNG internship ?

HNG internship is a remote based internship for aspiring Software Developers who want to harness their skills in different domains such as web development(frontend and backend), mobile application development and also other related domains such as DevOps, Entrepreneurship, UI/UX design and Digital Marketing.

The internship is in 10 stages, and as a beginner you start at stage one and walk your way up by completing the assigned tasks on time. It should be noted that you’re not required to take any quiz before enrolling for the internship, it’s totally free and open to everyone.

HNG internship is ran by the Zuri Team in partnership with Ingressive4Good(I4G). Check out there sites at Zuri Team and Ingressive4Good.

My goals for HNGi8

  • My main objective for this internship is to become good at Backend Development. I am a MERN(MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS) stack fan boy and I’m looking forward to sharpen my skills in Node, Express and MongoDB with the backend tasks which will be given in the internship.
  • Also, working and collaborating with other developers and team mates is of great interest to me. I’m hoping to make new friends and increase my network at the HNG internship.
  • Completing the HNG internship is also a major goal for me. I really want to push myself hard enough to all my possible boundaries and get to be a finalist.

I really hope I am able to make it through this internship and also very grateful for such a wonderful opportunity.

My Recommended Learning Resources

This is a list of some tutorials I think will help anyone looking to learn any of the technologies below.

Figma and UI/UX design playlist =>

Version Control / Git playlist =>

NodeJS playlist =>

HTML crash course =>




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